
High quality content and frequent update on your website
High quality content and frequent updates on your website is the key to increase website traffic. People go online to search for information; building contents on your site on regular basis increases the possibility of your contents being found by people who are looking for information on search engines. Google loves site with regular updates. Hence, ensure your site is updated with fresh and original contents at least twice a week.
Look for opportunities to become a guest blogger
Please skip all the simple blog spamming but leave actually feedback that offers value and insights. Along the way, blog owners will notice your feedback/post and might offer invites to guest blog for them. This is an important strategy to drive and grab new traffic to your site.
Take note of high ranking directories
Submit your high quality and original content to the high ranking directories will help your content to rank well in search engines. In other words, you may increase your website traffic by doing this.
Submit articles to article directories and make use of social media
Keep submitting to article directories such as EzineArticles and make use of social media like Facebook and Twitter to announce your articles. If you make good use of social media, you will be surprise how helpful they can be!
Approach review sites
There are many review sites with good traffic, approach the webmasters of these sites and get them to help you to write a good review about your site. Once your review is up, you will start to notice a great increase in traffic to your site through this review.
Yahoo Answers and YouTube
It has been reported that Yahoo Answers and YouTube have experienced an increase in Google's organic search engine rankings. Hence, now would be a good time to create videos out of your articles and using them to answer questions posted on Yahoo Answers.
Use keywords in your titles
There are a lot of complains from many webmasters that irrespective of posting regular contents on their blogs/sites for many months they still cannot see any increase in their web traffic. Reason being is these people are not using any keywords in their articles and titles. People looking for information by typing in the relevant keywords, so you need to know what people are looking for in you niche! Google Keyword Tool is definitely a great tool to start.

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