Sweep is used to create a base, boss, cut or surface by moving profiles.
Profiles must be closed to create a base or boss feature sweeps.
Profiles can be open or closed to surface features sweep feature.
Path is a set of sketch curves contained in one sketch.
The starting point must be the path in the field profile.
Both sections, paths, and solid can be generated from sketh intersect.

Sweeps can be made by:
-Guidelines for Use of the curve
-Made with multiple profiles
Created as a feature-thin

To create a sweeps:
1.Sketsa profile, closed non-intersecting in the plane or a face.
2.Buat lane / path to the profile. Use the sketches, model existing edge, or curve.
3.Klik one of the following:
-Swept Boss / Base on the Features toolbar or Insert, Boss / Base, Sweep
Cut-swept feature on the toolbar or Insert, Cut, Sweep
Surface-swept on the toolbar or the Insert Surface, Surface, Sweep
PropertyManager 4.Dalam this:
-Select the sketch in the graphics area to profile.
-Select the sketch in the graphics area to the road / path.
5.Tetapkan other PropertyManager choice.
6.Klik OK

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